
Yuck. I have been pigging out the last couple of days and loosing track of calorie counting. Stupid Thanksgiving... I was doing so well until the leftovers happened.

Starting today I will update and get back on calorie counting. It helped me a lot before... I slipped up and gained about 5lbs... can't be sure exactly until I do my "morning" weigh in. I feel gross and fat. I have been reading blogs and seeing how good everyone has been doing with their fasts... I must be thinspired! I must continue on my road to skinny. It makes me happy every time I reach a new goal weight. I want to be under 130lbs before Hallowe'en. I want to be perfect by my birthday.

I have been exercising since I got home from work. Jumping jacks... skipping... push ups and sit ups and of course my true love; yoga. My stupid heart keeps palpitating once I get my heart rate up so I can't push too hard. I hate being sick. I wish I could run and run and run. I love to run. I hate my heart.

So yeah... feeling frustrated. But it's moments like this that push me toward success. I will be petite. My dream will come true.

I have been dreaming about cutting. I miss cutting. I wish they would disappear as soon as I was done. I love how it feels. I love the redness of the blood.  I love the adrenaline and how it calms me and takes me to another world. I love how it brings me back to reality when its all over and reminds me that I want to be alive. I hate people knowing about it. I hate people seeing it. I hate being called an emo... I hate people knowing I am depressed. I wish it wasn't a big deal. I wish I could just hate myself and be happy with it. What is so wrong about that?

... gorgeous.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Argh! Leftovers are the devil.. stay away!!
Good luck with your morning weigh in, maybe it won't be so bad? Good on you for exercising! Take care of your heart sweety- don't push it too much.
She really does have beautiful a collar bone and shoulder... I wish I looked like that.
I know how you feel about cutting. I miss it so much sometimes I resort to scratching my legs up really bad... gotta love long fingernails!
p.s. I feel gross and fat too- you're not alone.