
So hungry today. I kept getting tempted to stuff my face. I was out at the mall today and I kept smelling the food court. I almost gorged on Taco Bell and then I did not. Thank God for long line ups helping me make up my mind to not eat garbage. I did get a small fry from McDonalds but I ate far less than half of it and threw the rest out.

I have been very inspired by Junsei. He writes and draws and takes photos... all things I enjoy doing but I have been in such a rut with my creativity since I got sick. Just seeing his work has been such a push for me. I started writing again and it is coming to me so easily.

I have a job interview for another job on Monday. I hope it goes well and I'm really looking forward to getting off of overnights. It's really killing me. But I won't leave unless they will pay me more. No point otherwise.

I might be getting a new tattoo tonight. We will see how things go.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Good work avoiding taco bell! and 1/3 of small maccas chips is only 75 so I think you did splendidly! I really admire your strength in throwing the rest out- I'm not sure I would have been able to!
Good Luck with the interview! Hope it all goes well and they pay you millions :) xxx