
So... I am up a couple of pounds. Yuck. Didn't eat anything at work yesterday... didn't even have time to anyways. I was an hour and a half late and just running around like a maniac trying to get my work done. When I got home I got a good 6 hours sleep and then cleaned the shit out of the apartment (except for my bedroom...). I did all the nastiest chores too... cleaned out the fridge (everything has started to go moldy... Dove is never home and I never eat.) Cleaned the toilet... the tub... the floors... the cat box... Ew. Ew. Ew. Not hungry at all. I just ate a couple of tums for the calcium and a coffee. Sucking on tums helps a lot.

I'm hoping by the time I wake up tomorrow I will be under 140lbs. Kind of my little goal to help push me through the night without eating. Thank God my job has soy milk and club soda. I don't know how I would manage without the two.

Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little.
 Pain is only as real as you allow it to be.

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