
Oh God. These last few days have been hell. For some reason I get this crazy idea every now and then that not taking my medicine is a good idea. Then I pay for it so so dearly. The pain came back so strong and I practically had a melt down. If it wasn't for Dove being around I might have cut myself. But I didn't. Which is good. I also didn't binge eat and gain any weight! However... ABC went to shit and I also lost nothing. Oh well. I'm going to have to just keep trucking.

I'm back on track today. Nice and empty right now and planning to stay that way. Last night I ate my first raw vegan dinner. It was amazing. I have re-fallen in love with zucchinis. Dove had made this cheese cake for her boyfriend... then dumped him and she dumped the cheese cake on me because she doesn't even like cheese cake. I unfortunately love the shit out of cheese cake. But I took a tiny tiny mouthful and told her the cheese wasn't sitting well for me. I have a very finicky stomach which comes in handy in these kinds of situations. It's still sitting in the fridge though. I think I will take it to Lion on Friday and pawn it off on him and his girl. I am very excited to see them and the baby!

I get paid this Friday so I'm going to be joining a yoga class down the street. They also do mediation there which I am pretty psyched about! I have been doing yoga for years but always at home. I'm pretty excited about having a teacher. They offer classes to be a yoga teacher there as well... which I would be very interested in looking into! I am getting sick of working around food all the time. I am constantly burning myself and the scars are getting out of hand. Thank God for the cover up power of tattoos... last night while preparing some baba ganoush I touched my new tattoo to the top of the oven by accident. Big nasty burn. I also accidentally dipped a finger into boiling hot water... twice. It is awful. I should look into scar removal surgeries.

My religion is to live and die without regret. 

Calories can not make you happy.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Medicine = Good! Keep taking it!!! Nice work not bingeing, thats impressive. Don't worry about ABC just keep on keeping on, you can do this!
Have fun at yoga! :) & be careful- stay safe xxx